30 Days of Lifestyle Changes Day 8: Staying Motivated

So far I have made 8 easy life changes that will last thirty days. I started by drinking more water and have continued on for seven days. These changes are starting to add up pretty quick. Staying focused and motivated are the most important things to maintaining all these changes. Staying motivated is easy with the right mindset. Keep reading to find out how I am using today’s lifestyle change to stay focused and motivated.

Each morning I am going to start my day off with a motivating and refreshing quote. I have been pinning all sorts of inspiring quotes on pinterest and now I have a chance to use them.

Before bed or bright and early I am going to write down a quote that I want to start off the day with. Being a little creative is a great start to your day or a good way to settle down for the night and get excited about tomorrow.

Starting your day off with a positive attitude and a good mood can make the rest of your day better. It’s a great way to treat everyday as if it’s a fresh start. It’s also the perfect way to focus on making a particular part of you or your day a little brighter.

I like to do my quotes in black and white but colored sharpies and paper would be inspirational as well. I hang my quote on my mirror and at the end of 30 days it will be filled with a ton of inspiration.

You could also print out inspiring quotes to hang such as this

Whatever your inspiration is keep it somewhere where you can see it. Remember a happy thought at the beginning of the day can change your outlook on your whole day. What’s your favorite inspirational quote?!

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